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Rahimli I.N., Rzayeva S.V., Zairov T.N.




engineers of many companies are considering various options for power supply sources in terms of both technical and economic efficiency of implementing options. This article describes various niches for using a solar-wind power plant as an alternative source of energy for oil objects   

Ключевые слова:
alternative energy sources, wind-solar power plants, oil objects   

УДК 537.312

Rahimli I.N.

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering,

Associate Professor of the Department "Electromechanics"

Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry

(Azerbaijan, Baku)


Rzayeva S.V.

Head of laboratory Department of  Electromechanics,

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

(Azerbaijan, Baku)


Zairov T.N.

Master of the Department "Electromechanics"

Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry

(Azerbaijan, Baku)




Abstract: engineers of many companies are considering various options for power supply sources in terms of both technical and economic efficiency of implementing options. This article describes various niches for using a solar-wind power plant as an alternative source of energy for oil objects.


Keywords: alternative energy sources, wind-solar power plants, oil objects.



At present, for the power supply of oil-producing facilities during the development of remote fields, power plants of their own needs, using petroleum gas as fuel, are most often used.

Guided by the corporate principle of "Safety and environmental care" and striving for continuous improvement through the search for new technologies, companies are considering the use of alternative and environmentally friendly electricity based on the conversion of natural wind and solar energy.

Among the alternative sources of electricity, the most popular in the world are wind-solar (hybrid) power plants (Fig. 1), in terms of reliability, they are more stable than wind or solar power plants separately [1, 2].

Fig.1 1. Conventional diagram and appearance

of a wind-solar power plant (wind power plant)


The combination of the use of solar and wind energy in these installations makes it possible to provide consumers with electricity almost under any weather conditions during the calendar year.

- In cloudy weather or at night, when there is no sun, but there is wind, the main source of electricity is wind turbines.

– In sunny weather, when the wind subsides, the share of electricity generation by photovoltaic panels increases.

– In the absence of favorable conditions (for example, cloudy calm weather, no wind at night), consumers are powered by batteries that are part of the power plant. With sufficient wind and solar activity, when energy is supplied to consumers from wind generators and solar panels, the excess electricity generated at this time is stored in batteries and can be used to cover the power shortage in adverse weather conditions.

Wind-solar power plants have a technical perspective for use in the company mainly in those areas where solar and wind potentials are high enough to generate electricity.

The use of any one of the generating plants as part of an autonomous power source: wind turbines or photovoltaic panels, may not always be justified due to the volatility and unregulation of renewable energy sources.

At present, the fundamental possibility of using wind-solar energy at oil production facilities has been analyzed, where the main consumers of electricity are:

– high-voltage electric motors of pumping units of oil treatment and transportation systems;

– high-voltage electric motors of pumping stations of the reservoir pressure maintenance system;

– electric motors of submersible pumping units of oil and water wells;

– electric heating system for field and main pipelines;

– industrial and repair bases, rotational residential camps.

Oil companies place high demands on the reliability and uninterrupted power supply to this category of consumers in order to: prevent shutdown and disruption of a complex technological process, the restoration of which in the event of power outages requires a lot of time; prevention of an ecological catastrophe and the danger of a threat to the life and health of service personnel; exclusion of a possible shutdown of production and undersupply of oil products.

To ensure the required level of reliability of power supply to consumers, the company must use mutually redundant power sources that provide round-the-clock coverage of the load at any time of the year, as well as stable power supply during short-term load increases due to the start of powerful electric motors [3].

Wind-solar power plants, considered as the main sources of electricity for the company's facilities, must ensure the reliability of power supply to these consumers.

Currently, the most serious shortcomings that cast doubt on the feasibility of using wind-solar power plants as the main power sources are the following.

– Wind-solar energy refers to unregulated energy sources, the generation of electricity of which directly depends on the strength of wind and solar radiation;

– The impossibility of accurately predicting the production of electricity and changes in the capacity of the power plant.

– The need to use large land plots, ten times larger than the area for traditional power sources (for example, the specific area for traditional gas piston and gas turbine power plants is 0.06–0.08 ha / MW, for wind-solar power plants this figure reaches 1 ha /MW).

This circumstance leads to an increase in the areas of land allotment, the volume of engineering training in hard-to-reach areas.

– The installed capacity of a wind-solar power plant is several times higher than the required installed capacity of traditional sources with the same connected loads. As part of a wind-solar power plant, it is necessary to provide a large number of solar panels and wind generators. The total capacity of the wind-solar power plant in the conditions of variability of wind-solar activity should provide objects with electricity in normal mode and in parallel accumulate it in battery packs for guaranteed power supply to consumers under adverse weather conditions.

– Wind-solar power plants with a large installed capacity are significantly behind traditional sources in terms of economic indicators.

– The use of wind-solar power plants as the main source of power for energy-intensive oil facilities will require additional costs for the utilization of petroleum gas, which was previously intended to be used to generate electricity at gas-fired power plants.


Taking into account the continuous improvement of the technical characteristics of the created generating installations based on renewable energy sources, constant monitoring of the development of this area and annual updating of the assessment of the applicability of such installations at the facilities are required.




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  2. Рагимли И.Н., Рзаева С.В., Чолуев М.Э. ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ ПРОЕК­ТИ­РО­ВАНИЯ СИСТЕМ АЛЬТЕРНАТИВНОГО ЭНЕРГОСНАБЖЕНИЯ // Ин­тер­наука: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 5(275). URL: https://internauka.org/journal/science/internauka/275 (дата обращения: 18.04.2023). DOI:10.32743/26870142.2023.5.275.352398
  3. Немного об альтернативной энергетике [Электронный ресурс]. – 2015. – Режим доступа: http://www.resoteh.by/news/Alittleaboutalternativeenergy/– Дата доступа: 20.04.2021.

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (61) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Rahimli I.N., Rzayeva S.V., Zairov T.N. APPLICABILITY OF WIND-SOLAR ENERGY AS AN ALTERNATIVE SOURCE OF POWER SUPPLY TO OIL FACILITIES // Вестник науки №4 (61) том 4. С. 289 - 293. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7882 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/7882

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